I have been gone for oh- so-long! Why? Because shortly after starting this blog I discovered that I was Pregnant! I developed severe morning sickness that lasted 24/7 for 6 months! Then the 3rd trimester brought extreme weakness and lethargy (probably due to the high blood pressure I developed during pregnancy and ultimately I had to be induced for) rendering me an almost useless human living life on my sofa! I figured meh, after I popped the baby out (which I did April 29th) then I would be able to get back to business....WRONG! Now I was rendered incapacitated because of caring for a helpless infant, plus I am now a milk bar for not only my baby but my toddler.
Anywhoo, that is what was going on this past year. But like I said, now I am trying to get back to my blogging, so bare with me. Today's topic is finding time to do anything, namely housework and being creative for my business. I have tried to print out an organizer but I don't find joy in filling it out but I absolutely love the idea of it.
I have found that breaking chores up throughout the day and quickly cleaning up after everyone really helps. For example, sweeping after every meal takes less than 5 minutes, after making lunch quickly wipe up the crumbs and put things away. This helps from acquiring more to clean later, and helps keep away ants etc. Also, every morning I make all the beds and tidy up all the rooms before going downstairs with the littles to start the day. Have I mentioned how much I detest wet sink areas? So after washing my hands I'll reuse the paper towel and wipe up the area, it's even better if there is a bit of soap there, because then it becomes a mini clean. I did these kinds of things already but after reading some of the flylady's suggestions I persisted. I don't go so far as cleaning my bathroom everyday, because no one has time for that! ;)
If I am feeling particularly creative I work on my projects here and there throughout the day while the baby naps. When my hubby gets home then I hand baby over and finish up the harder/tedious part of a project. I also use this time to finish up the rest of my chores so that we can have the rest of the evening together relaxing and watching tv together. I hate to have to do chores when I could be spending time with my husband, I really cherish our time together. I tell him that everyday I look forward to him coming home to me. He jokes that it's because he can take over baby duty, but he really has no idea how much I love his fathead :-).
My next goal is to do what a much older friend told me she did many moons ago: Set aside one day a week and make the whole weeks dinner and then freeze it all. Then every day you simply defrost the meals and you don't have to scramble around cooking. Wellll, maybe not do a whole weeks worth , but a couple of days. I have made a couple pounds of hamburger before, one night making meatloaf and then the next having spaghetti. It was wonderful because I only had to make the noodles.
What do you all do to make life a little easier?